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2016.12.27 10:12
SD Memory 카드 SPI 3.3V/5.0V 인터페이스 모듈 Atmega2560 제어 예제
조회 수 9180 댓글 0
http://www.jkelec.co.kr/img/parts/sd_atmega2560.html 1. Atmega2560 Rabbit 개발보드와 연결 실험 #include "hw_config.h" #include "led.h" #include "uart.h" #include "mmc_sd.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "ff.h" static FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive static char path[20] = {""}; static DIR dirs; static FILINFO finfo; void sd_file_list(void) { u32 sd_size; char tx_data[16]; if( disk_initialize(0) == 0 ) usart0_puts("\r\nsd initialize success.\r\n"); else usart0_puts("\r\nsd initialize failed.\r\n"); #if 1 f_mount(0,&fs); usart0_puts("\r\nf_mount()\r\n"); if (f_opendir (&dirs, path) == FR_OK) { usart0_puts("\r\nf_opendir()\r\n"); while (f_readdir (&dirs, &finfo) == FR_OK) { usart0_puts("\r\nf_readdir()\r\n"); usart0_format_puts ("\r\n%s", finfo.fname); if (!(finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR)) { if (!finfo.fname[0]) { usart0_puts("\r\nfinfo.fname\r\n"); break; } usart0_format_puts ("\r\n%s", finfo.fname); } } } #endif sd_size = SD_GetCapacity(); #ifdef USE_AVR_STUDIO ultoa( sd_size, tx_data, 10); #else ultoa( tx_data, sd_size, 10); #endif usart0_format_puts("\r\nCapacity=%s Bytes\r\n", tx_data); } void main(void) { CLI(); // all interrupt disable bsp_led_gpio_init(); #if 1 bsp_usart0_gpio_init(); if( F_CPU == 8000000UL ) { bsp_usart0_init(F_CPU, EBaud38400, EData8, EParNone, EStop1, FALSE ); } else { bsp_usart0_init(F_CPU, EBaud115200, EData8, EParNone, EStop1, FALSE ); } init_usart0_buffer(); bsp_usart0_interrupt_enable(); SEI(); // all interrupt enable bsp_led_core_on(ledUserCore); sd_file_list(); #endif //bsp_led_core_on(ledUserCore); while( 1 ) { _delay_ms(10); } return; } Simple Audio Player 예제 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/SimpleAudioPlayer /* Simple Audio Player Demonstrates the use of the Audio library for the Arduino Due Hardware required : * Arduino shield with a SD card on CS4 * A sound file named "test.wav" in the root directory of the SD card * An audio amplifier to connect to the DAC0 and ground * A speaker to connect to the audio amplifier Original by Massimo Banzi September 20, 2012 Modified by Scott Fitzgerald October 19, 2012 Modified by Arturo Guadalupi December 18, 2015 This example code is in the public domain http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/SimpleAudioPlayer */ #include <SD.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <Audio.h> void setup() { // debug output at 9600 baud Serial.begin(9600); // setup SD-card Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); if (!SD.begin(4)) { Serial.println(" failed!"); while(true); } Serial.println(" done."); // hi-speed SPI transfers // 44100kHz stereo => 88200 sample rate // 100 mSec of prebuffering. Audio.begin(88200, 100); } void loop() { int count = 0; // open wave file from sdcard File myFile = SD.open("test.wav"); if (!myFile) { // if the file didn't open, print an error and stop Serial.println("error opening test.wav"); while (true); } const int S = 1024; // Number of samples to read in block short buffer[S]; Serial.print("Playing"); // until the file is not finished while (myFile.available()) { // read from the file into buffer myFile.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Prepare samples int volume = 1024; Audio.prepare(buffer, S, volume); // Feed samples to audio Audio.write(buffer, S); // Every 100 block print a '.' count++; if (count == 100) { Serial.print("."); count = 0; } } myFile.close(); Serial.println("End of file. Thank you for listening!"); while (true) ; } Dreamy의 코드 스크랩내가 모으고 내가 보는
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