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// 전기적 스펙에 관한  용어, 약자 정리

 Vce = Vcc - IcRc
 "Vce" : Collector-emitter voltage
 "Vce(sat)" :  Collector-emitter saturation voltage
 "Vec" : Emitter-collector voltage
 "Vcc" : supply voltage
 "IcRc" : voltage drop across the base resistor (Rb).
Vr : Reverse Voltage
Pd : Power Dissipation(전력 손실)

Vcc : Voltage source on the collector.
Vbb : Voltage source on the base.
Vee : Voltage source on the emitter. It might sound odd, but I have seen them used in differental amplifiers.
Vce : Voltage between the collector and the emitter.
Vbe : Voltage between the base and the emitter.
Vcb : Voltage between the collector and the base.

FETs (valid for JFETs, MOSFETs, ect)
Vdd : Voltage source on the drain.
Vgg : Voltage source on the gate.
Vss : Voltage source on the source.
Vds : Voltage betwwem the drain and the source.
Vgs : Voltage between the gat and the source
Vdg : Voltage between the drain and the gate.

If : Forward current
Ifp : Pulse forward current
Ic : Collector current
Topr : Operating temperature

Rb : bass Resistance
Rc : collector Resistance
Re : emitter Resistance
Rl : loading Resistance
Ri : input Resistance

CTR : Current Transfer Ratio) 전류전달효율
    - Ic / If x 100

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