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다음의 예제는 Head First C#에서 빌려왔습니다.

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    public class Ball
        public event EventHandler BallInPlay;

        public void OnBallInPlay(BallEventArgs e)
            if (BallInPlay != null)
                BallInPlay(this, e); // 델리게이트와 동작하는 방식은 거의 같습니다.
    public class BallEventArgs : EventArgs
        public int Trajectory { get; private set; }
        public int Distance { get; private set; }

        public BallEventArgs(int Trajectory, int Distance)
            this.Trajectory = Trajectory;
            this.Distance = Distance;
    public class Fan
        public Fan(Ball ball)
            ball.BallInPlay += new EventHandler(ball_BallInPlay);
        public void ball_BallInPlay(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (e is BallEventArgs)
                BallEventArgs ballEventArgs = e as BallEventArgs;
                if (ballEventArgs.Distance > 400 && ballEventArgs.Trajectory > 30)
                    Console.WriteLine("Fan: Home Run! I'm going for the ball!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fan: Woo-hoo! Yeah!");
    public class Pitcher
        public Pitcher(Ball ball)
            ball.BallInPlay += new EventHandler(ball_BallInPlay);
        void ball_BallInPlay(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (e is BallEventArgs)
                BallEventArgs ballEventArgs = e as BallEventArgs;
                if (ballEventArgs.Distance < 95 && ballEventArgs.Trajectory < 60)
        private void CatchBall()
            Console.WriteLine("Pitcher: I caught the ball!");
        private void CorverFirstBase()
            Console.WriteLine("Pitcher: I corvered first base.");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            Pitcher pitcher = new Pitcher(ball);
            Fan fan = new Fan(ball);
            BallEventArgs ballEventArgs = new BallEventArgs(100, 40);

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